Think about how you can make 2012 'Awesome'!

About a week ago, I posted my goals for 2012 on my other blog "Random Musings". Some of you may not know about that blog, which covers a variety of topics that occasionally cross my mind (technology, spirituality, science fiction, books, family, whatever). So I decided I would highlight the two goals that focused on my staying active and healthy.
Lose another 50 pounds
In 2011, my weight loss efforts continued, bringing my total weight loss since May 2010 to over 110 pounds. This was very rewarding for me, seeing my shirt size go from a 4XL to just XL, my pants size go from a 58 to 44, and now being able to fit into clothes previously too small for me. I have given away tons of clothes to Good Will that are now way too big for me.
But, I am not done yet! My weight target is 190 pounds. I have 50 more pounds to lose and my goal is to lose them in 2012! The past few months have seen my weight loss stabilize -- no gaining but no losing either. I believe part of this is the result of my training for the Half Marathon, but another part of it is that I have become more lax in my tracking of what I eat.
So 2012, I re-dedicate myself to following my Weight Watchers PointsPLUS program more carefully, continue to eat healthy foods, and lose these last pounds and inches!
Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle
This will be the year of the Half Marathon! I ran my first on January 7th at Disney World in Orlando FL. My second was on January 21st, when I ran the Polar Dash down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago where it was well below freezing and snowing for most of the race. I have three other Half Marathons scheduled between April and September. I also have three 5Ks (one was completed on January 6th) and one 10 Mile race scheduled.
In June, I will be participating in the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer Research. This is a two-day event where the first day is a 26.2 mile walk, followed by a 13.1 mile walk the following day. I will be doing this to raise awareness and funds to help in the fight to find a cure for this terrible disease that affects both men and women alike. More on this soon. I hope I can count on your support to help me in this fight!
My biggest athletic challenge for 2012 will be my first Full Marathon: The Chicago Marathon in October! I am very excited and intimidated by this one. I am putting together my training plan for this race now, so that I will be prepared.
Other than running and walking, I will also be working out at my health club, doing some biking and swimming and strength training. Not only do I want to lose weight, I want to build more lean muscle mass, strengthen my core, and make sure that I am losing fat, not muscle. I want to be a lean mean fighting machine!
So, what are YOU going to be focusing upon this new year? Looking to lose a few pounds or a few inches off your waist, thighs, chest, or butt? Desiring to increase your endurance, speed, agility, or mental toughness? Striving for a new Personal Record in races this year? Hoping to make a job change, get a raise, or perhaps find employment? Develop a deeper relationship with God or your Higher Power? Or maybe just to make more time for family and friends, or engage in a new hobby/activity to relieve stress and just have fun?
Is it one or more of these? Or do you have something that is deep in your heart that needs to be expressed/resolved this year? Whatever it is, make a commitment to yourself now that you will take your first step today -- think about it! Then write your goals down in your planner, your SmartPhone, your Task Manager, the palm of your hand. And for each goal, think of a couple of realistic steps you can take in the next 10 days to start your journey!
There is no time like the present to take a step into your new future! I cannot promise that it will be easy. But I can promise that the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction when you reach your goal will make the effort totally worthwhile!
As Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise would say, "Make it so!"

Reader Comments (2)
With the halfs, I would just encourage you to prioritize them...and particularly the latter one do simply as a training run where you don't give a flip about the time. It would suck to run them all all-out and injure yourself before the marathon. More races isn't always better. Just be cautious. :)
That is my plan. The Illinois Half is my "A" race of the three Halfs. The others are just for fun/training, especially the Chicago Half.