Twas a slow week

I did not run as far as usual this week -- only 10.7 miles total. Wednesday was an assessment day so I did not get my usual 55 minute workout. Friday is always a short workout day because of the nutrition session, but I was 10 minutes late so I only had a 20 minute workout. Not good for the overall miles this week but perhaps the ole body could use the time as an extended recovery...
So today I wanted to make sure I got in a good session. After going to Weight Watchers where I weighed in down -3.6lbs (sweet!), I did 3:2 interval training for 55 miuntes for 3.5 miles. My run segments averaged 12.20 mi/mile. My last three intervals were around 11.40 which was very cool! 619 calories burned! Yay!
So the next week will be tapered a bit since my 5K is next Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing what my time will be! But for now, it is time to get ready to go to a friend's graduation from Nursing School at Loyola in Chicago. See ya!

Reader Comments (1)
See? You're getting faster and faster! You'll definitely beat me to the finish line when we take Chicago!
I had a crap running week. Less than 4 miles. :( Stupid hamstring!