
Entries in Training (79)


53F means running outside; Yolanda posts "In the Spotlight with Rick"

Last Saturday, I was at a youth retreat called "Happening" out in Gurnee. It was awesome! But because it is totally indoors, I did not get any runs in over the weekend. So, early Saturday morning before most people were awake, I decided to run around the edges of the large open entrance area between the outer doors and the door to the Sanctuary.

I ran the circumference twice at an easy pace and then at a much faster pace for two more laps. And then I kept doing that for about 10 sets. After the first five sets, I changed direction. By the end, I was all warmed up and feeling energized! I was wearing my house shoes (they have a rubber bottom) and didn't have my sports watch so I have no idea how far I ran or what the actual pacing was. The few people who walked in and witnessed this thought I was a crazy person -- one told me I was addicted to running and needed an intervention. Hahaha!

Today was different. First, it was 53F outside (and VERY windy)! So I just HAD to go for a quick run in the good ole outdoors! Grabbed my HRM, my Instinct shoes, running pants, short-sleeved shirt, and a light running jacket and headed out. It was a great day for running! The wind was pretty strong with gusts in the 20mph range, but that just added to the fun (the wind wasn't cold so no windchill). I ran for 3.3 miles at a 10:30/mm pace, with warm-up and cool-down segments. 40 minutes was all I could spare due to my crazy schedule, but boy did it feel great to just be outside and running with the wind, and the sun, and the fresh air!

This was the first time I ran outside in my Instinct (minimalist) shoes. I have to say that they felt really fine on my feet. The occasional tree branch, uneven pavement, slanted curbs, and grassy patches did not cause any awkwardness or discomfort. I was thoroughly enjoying the shoes. And when the run was over, my feet felt really good -- like I hadn't even been running. Score more points for the Instincts!

I am "In the Spotlight"

I had a pleasant surprise this afternoon! Back in January, an AMAZING person named Yolanda Holder asked me if I would share my journey with the readers of her blog "The Road to Guinness". In 2010, Yolanda became a Guinness record holder for the "Most Marathons Run in a Calendar Year" by a woman. 106 Marathons!!!! Isn't that just fantastic???! I think so! That is a feat that I just cannot even put my mind around, and yet she did it with style, humility, and grace.

So when she asked me if I would share my story, I wasn't even sure my story was worthy of being on the same web site as her own. But Yolanda insisted that her readers would find it encouraging and inspirational. So I put something together, along with several photos she requested, and sent it off.

I didn't really know when she was going to post it on her site as an "In the Spotlight" segment. So I was surprised and delighted to see it appear on her site this afternoon! If you want to read it, just click here.

For those of you who have been following my blog, you pretty much know my beginnings and goals for the future. I hope that having my story posted on Yolanda's awesome blog will inspire others to take that first step to a healthier and more active lifestyle.


A stressful week but a good 10-mile Long Run eases the mind

Well, this was an interesting week.  Lots of events combining to rachet up the stress level, which in turn led to less sleep and more agitation.  My poor mother tried to get a hold of me for two days but I was so busy dealing with things going on around me that I didn't have a chance to call her back until last night.

So my training schedule was a little wonky.  I wanted to get my runs in, but at the same time I wanted to get some rest, and my body was a little achy from the strange sleep patterns.  I did get a 4 mile run in on Tuesday, which felt very good.  I kept to a steady 10:00/mm pace.  I had to squeeze this run in after work, and more and more I realize that I just don't perform as well after work.  I am not sure if it is because its "after work" and I am tired mentally as well as physically, or, if it is just because it is the 'evening' and my body is just not used to lots of activity at 7PM.

I wanted to get in a run or a walk on that Wednesday as well -- ya know, a run on Leap Day.  With all those people at Disney World that day (a special day there where the park was open for 24 hours), I thought I would feel better by doing a run since I couldn't be celebrating with The Mouse.  But, I woke up on Wednesday with twinges in my right hip and left calf (which weren't there when I went to sleep).  Makes me wonder what I dreamed about that night... LOL   Oh well, I figured I might as well just make Wednesday a Rest Day.

So Thursday morning I got up and put in another 3.97 miles at the club, running the first 3 miles at a 10:30/mm pace and the last .50 mile at 8:32/mm pace.  I was very happy with that run.  Just reinforcing my feeling that morning runs are just better for me.

Today, I will be attending a youth retreat all weekend -- something I do several times a year.  It is always an uplifting experience for me as well as the young people who participate and staff the event.  But it means no weekend Long Run for me.  So today, I had to get up at 4AM so that I could get ready and get to the gym at 5AM for a 10-miler.  And of course, I did not get to sleep until midnight so getting up at 4AM was just that much harder.  Many thanks to my wife for making me get out of the bed.

The run started off rocky.  First, I got in the locker room only to find that I had left my iPad in the car (I wanted to watch X-Men First Class during my run).  So I had to go get that.  Then, as I left the locker room the second time, I realized I had left my GU.  So, had to go back to get that.  Ten minutes waster because I kept forgetting things.  Finally, I got to the Treadmill and started my run.  The run itself went pretty well -- watching the movie was a nice change of pace for me (and it helped wake me up).

After the first 5K, I dropped into a 1-2 mile run (at a 12:00/pace) followed by a 1-minute walk (at a 17:00/pace).  My body was tired due to the lack of sleep and I didn't want to 'force' it to do too much.  It was a comfortable run and when all was said and done, I had run 10.35 miles.  And, I watched the entire movie too!

After the run, I showered and have a very good breakfast with my buddy Mike.  Then I drove him to O'Hare on my way to my office.  Mike is competing in the Little Rock Marathon on Sunday.  Go Mike!!!!

I am really glad that I was able to get that run in. I feel much better and my mind is a lot more at ease.  That is a good thing as I head into a retreat weekend.

Total miles for the week: 18.  Given the nature of this week, I will take that as a good mileage target.  Next week will definitely be over 20.  Weather forecasts say it might be in the 50s next Wednesday.  You know what that means?  I get to take my run OUTSIDE!!!  Excellent!